Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Peace Prize

The frequency and maliciousness of the clusternuts on the right wing concerning Obama's selection as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize didn't actually surprise me, but it doesn't make it less scary. The people, and many of them exist in my own extended family (not my wife and kids, the others!) who would subscribe to Obama's failure even if it meant personal hardship and monetary loss, is astounding.

We live in a country where ideology is far more important than practicality. Of course, most of what we let pass as education is really just mindless preparation for a job. Most people couldn't differentiate between Albert Camus and Anderson Cooper and they adhere to missives long debunked by the simple progression of knowledge.

But I, for one, find the atmosphere of an Obama presidency far more liberating than the carbon infested, narrow visioned, constitution testing environment of George W. Bush. Kudos, Mr. President, and let the regressive "knuckle dragging neanderthals" beat their hairless chests into even oblivion.

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